Blue Coat Sunday


As well as being part of the Blue Coat Federation, the school is part of the Blue Coat Foundation of three schools (Infant, Junior and Secondary Academy) and linked to St Matthew’s Church. 

The school is committed to serving its multi-faith community and maintaining the highest standards of learning for all the Blue Coat children.

The three schools offering a Christian education for children from the age of three through to nineteen.

Each school holds several services at St Matthew’s throughout the year.

The Foundation comes together annually to celebrate our uniqueness with the Mayor of Walsall and the local community for CIVIC SUNDAY.


This service is traditionally followed by the Bun and Shilling Ceremony at the town hall.

This tradition began in 1553 when the Mayor of Walsall would invite children from Blue Coat School to attend his parlour where they would receive a shilling followed by a tea in the Mayors Parlour.

The Buns and Shilling ceremony is symbolic:  the bun being the help given to the family and the shilling of the help given to the children with their education.


Please click here to see a fascinating account of the history of St Matthews Church.