Community Learning
I will bless you with a future filled with hope – a future of success, not of suffering. – Jeremiah 29:11
Another Time Another Place
Community Learning Resource Pack
This Community Learning Resource was developed by artists and teachers from Blue Coat C. E. (Aided) Junior School. World War Two evacuees, migrant people, pupils, their families and teachers at the school worked together, shared memories and described life decisions resulting in a rich and thought provoking experience. They organised open days, local exhibitions, and produced a book, DVD, creative dance and mobile suitcase exhibition which was shown at Wolverhampton Art Gallery in June and July 2013.
The ATAP project is an educational resource that can be hired out to other schools or community interest groups.

Remembrance suitcase from the ATAP exhibition.

ATAP exhibition at St. Paul’s Church, Great Barr.