Equality Objectives

The Blue Coat Federation takes its responsibility with regard to equality and diversity very seriously. Our two schools will:

  • treat people fairly, justly and with respect in all aspects of the work of the Federation including both education provision and employment
  • find ways to support those who are disadvantaged or excluded 
  • promote inclusion and celebrate diversity
  • maintain an ethos which practises Christian values and beliefs, embraces diversity and promotes respect for the beliefs of others and equality for all

Equal Opportunities in a school situation means ensuring that every individual has equal access to an education or to career development in education. Where equality guidelines or principles are not adhered to, unlawful discrimination may arise. 

The Federation believes that, within education, equality is fundamentally about providing exemplary education, and ensuring that the needs of pupils, parents, staff, governors and the community are identified and met where at all possible. We aim to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. 

Equal Opportunities Policy