Religious Education

At Blue Coat C of E (Aided) Infant School we value all of Gods’ children equally.


The ethos of the school is distinctively Christian, encompassing all that we stand for, is reflected in and expressed through Collective Worship; it derives from the Christian tradition and seeks to activate our beliefs and values which are set out, clearly, in the School Prospectus.

Religious Education (RE) plays an important role in defining our school’s distinctive Christian character. The subject is regarded as a core subject within the school’s curriculum. It has a vital role in developing and deepening pupils understanding of Christianity, in all its forms, and fostering appreciation and understanding of other faith traditions.


RE Statement of Entitlement

RE teaching at Blue Coat Infant School will be in line with the recommendations of the Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools, published by the Church of England Education Office (June 2016), see link below:


Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools



Please click below to view our current report.


Siams Report


Our Curriculum



RE & Worship Policy Documents

RE Curriculum Progression Map 2024

Books to inspire RE

Federation Worship Policy

RE Policy July 18

RE Overview

Books to inspire RE

NEW RE Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools

Church of England Vision for Education

Deeply Christian Serving the Common Good