E- safety for Parents

We run E-Safety PACT workshops each year to help Parents and children navigate the Internet from an E-Safety position.




Starting the conversation

Find a good time and place. Try to choose a good moment.
Pick an opportunity when you know you’re not going to be
interrupted and you are both going to feel comfortable and
have enough time – without turning it into one of those
‘special talks’ moments.
Think about how you are going to introduce the
subject. You could mention a recent news story or just
explain why you would like to talk to them about
something. Try to be clear. It’s no good having a difficult
conversation if at the end of it they don’t really understand
what you wanted to talk to them about.
Explain to them why you are worried. Your child might
think that you are getting worried for no good reason, but if
you explain why something is troubling you they will
understand why you want to talk to them. Tell them if it is
something you’ve noticed in their behaviour or maybe
something you have read about or seen their friends doing.
Help them to understand your worries so that together you
can work them out.


Let them talk

It’s hard sometimes when a child doesn’t
want to open up. Asking them a question like ‘how are
things going’ and remembering to give them time to answer
will help. It’s tempting to keep talking at them to fill the
space – try not to.

Listen more than you talk.

A conversation has to have two
people in it. It’s important you listen to them and that you
explain you’d like them to listen to you. Talking at them is
never going to work.


Be loving and supportive.

The most difficult conversations can be made easier if your child understands that you care
about them and whatever the outcome you will love them
just as much.
If your child tells you something that worries you:
Take a break. If your child is telling you things that worry
you it is really important to stay calm and not to react
immediately. Let them tell you what’s going on and then
decide together how you’re going to deal with it.


Get help together

If your child tells you something which
means they could be in danger you must report this to the
relevant organisations. Try to agree to do this together.
Don’t take over unless you think that is your only option.
Get support for yourself. Your focus is going to be on
looking after your child but remember to look after yourself
as well and get support from your family and friends.
You can get further advice speak to a member of staff or check out the websites below.


Useful Websites


Think u Know

UK Safer Internet Centre

Parent Zone

Internet Matters

Childnet International


Key Documents


A guide to parenting in a digital world online

IT & E Safety Policy April 2019