Admission Arrangements Consultation 2025/26

The Governing Body of the Blue Coat Federation is writing to notify you of the consultation on the 2025 – 26 Infant and Junior Schools’ admissions policies. In accordance with the DfE’s 2021 statutory ‘School Admissions Code’ guidance, as a federation of schools we must consult on our admission arrangements and invite you to comment on the proposed changes. 

The consultation period will run until Friday 8th December allowing a minimum of six weeks excluding half-term holiday.  We are keen to hear your views on the proposed admission arrangements; therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any comments regarding the matter.

The Governing Body is proposing an amendment to the Admissions arrangements for both schools to add an additional oversubscription criterion that gives priority to children of staff, following looked-after or previously looked-after children, and children with siblings.

Please see attached the proposed admissions policies:

Alternatively, if you require hard copies of the policies, please contact the school office directly.

If you wish to comment on the proposed admissions arrangements, please send your response in writing for the attention of Mr. A. Orlik either by post or email to  Please note that written responses should outline your personal details, including your name, address and relationship to the Federation. Comments should be received by no later than 12pm on Friday 8th December 2023.

At the end of the consultation period, the governing body will meet to consider responses and submit a final policy. If you wish to further discuss this matter, or anything mentioned in this letter, please contact the school office.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. A. Orlik - Executive Head