Behaviour (Good to be Green)
Positive Behaviour at Blue Coat Infants
The Governing body, staff and pupils seek to ensure that our schools are safe and caring learning environments where all children are supported to develop and maintain healthy relationships with peers and adults and to learn to take personal responsibility for behaviour.
Both schools work collaboratively with parents, to ensure children receive consistent messages about behaviour expectations at home and at school. We explain the school rules in the schools’ prospectuses and parents read these and support them.
We like to keep our school rules simple:
Be kind.
Be Safe.
Be ready to learn.
The schools use the ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour management scheme to ensure a consistent, positive approach throughout the Federation.
It’s Good to be Green!
- Being kind and helpful – Be a ‘GREAT’ friend.
- Be honest & truthful – Do the right thing.
- Be polite and respectful.
- Be a good listener & follow instruction.
- Be hardworking and aim high.
- Be confident and believe in yourself.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Be a team player and work together.
- Walking sensibly around the school.
- Inviting others to join in your games.
What will happen?
You will be rewarded with ‘Stickers’ each week. You can be rewarded with a ‘Golden Award’ each half term.
What behaviour will result in a yellow ‘warning’ card?
- Repeatedly getting out of your seat.
- Calling out after being asked to stop by an adult.
- Not listening, trying your best or paying attention.
- Pushing or pulling in line (including dinner times).
- Running indoors (including corridors, classrooms and in the hall).
- Refusing to work or working extremely slowly on purpose.
- Not tidying up when asked to do so.
- Distracting other children.
- Throwing small objects to distract others but not to hurt them.
- Poking, flicking or playing with other children’s hair.
- Complaining or being disrespectful to adults.
- Hiding resources from children or adults.
- Damaging school property on purpose.
- Leaving the room without asking for permission.
- Not being truthful and getting other people into trouble.
- Persistently playing too rough with one another.
- Being unkind or mean to others on purpose.
What will happen?
You will automatically be given a yellow card. You will move to a red card if you continue the behaviour. You could move back to green if you try hard to impress your teacher.
What behaviour will result in a red ‘consequence’ card?
- Hurting other children by hitting, kicking, pushing or with words.
- Ignoring a direct instruction from an adult or being rude to any grown up in school.
- Using bad language.
- Stealing.
- Destroying my own work or the work of others.
- Damaging school property on purpose.
- Not correcting your behaviour when you are on a yellow ‘warning’ card.
What will Happen?
You will lose an agreed amount of your own time. You will lose your ‘Good to be Green’ sticker. You cannot be awarded a special golden award at the end of the half term. You will not take part in Celebration or special activities that week. Your parents/carers will be told.